About Me

Wife, Mother and Registered Dietitian

Hello, I am Brittny Bird.

As I have raised my 6 kids, I have seen or experienced a lot!

I have had picky eaters, high emotions, anger issues, behaviour problems and frequent illnesses.

I my self have been fatigued, brain fogged, and felt as if I can’t be the my I want to be because my health just wouldn’t allow it.

I have been in many play groups and mom dates where almost every time another mother mentions something that she or her kids are struggling with.

What do all of these have in common?

They are all nutrition problems!!! They are all gut health problems!!

See even though I studied nutrition in college and am a registered dietitian nutritionist, I had forgotten the prophetic wisdom of Hippocrates when he said,

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."

I always knew food choices were important but in the midst of motherhood, its hard sometimes to always be on top of the good food, made from scratch.

But there is something else at play here. The Food Guide Pyramid and MyPlate aren’t doing us any favors. 

We have to take into consideration gut health!

When I learned that important piece,


I spent years working with my kids, working on myself, working with clients and finally things were getting better.

Your gut health is really the most important.

I took everything that I teach my clients or wish I had time to teach my clients and put it in an online course. The Healthy, Happy Gut Movement is everything you need to experience the same healing!


Have the health to show up!

See as moms, we are so important.

When we don’t feel good – emotionally or physically – the family struggles. Our husbands struggle, the kids struggle, the house struggles, our work struggles.

And let’s face it, we are already hard on ourselves so when things go down hill, its really hard to climb back up without help.

I want to help you climb back up!

Let me show you how you can feel better, have more energy, get rid of anxiety and depression and decrease your stress!

Then you can better help your husband and kids that may also be struggling.

Knowledge is power! I can’t wait to empower you!

“ Empowering busy moms to take control of their best health by nourishing their bodies, minds and guts”
Brittny Bird